Friday, February 23, 2007

Patience Is A Virtue

Many people have been waiting for years for The Police to get around to touring again. For me, it's a bit of a full-circle experience, and a welcome one.

Their drummer, Stewart Copeland, is probably close to the top of most drummers "drummers who influenced me the most" lists. His style of pattern intricacy combined with his wreckless abandon approach is a wonderful melding of percussive goodness. I have enjoyed studying (read 'ripping-off from') his playing over the years.

To make good things even better, the Foo Fighters have agreed to open the show I'm attending in June. Talk about abandon in style! I'm sure that both Dave Grohl and Taylor Hawkins have both taken pages out of Stewart Copeland's playbook when creating each of their approaches.

Foo Fighters

Being patient has paid off now that The Police are playing again this year. Now, I'll have to just be patient enough again to make it to the show in June. Hope to see you there!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Monday, February 05, 2007

Dreams in the Midst of Bitter Cold

Today at 3am, I took our oldest son, Micah (14), to the airport for his trip to Lake Placid for Luge Training Camp. I have written about his opportunity before. Well, when he was accepted to go to the camp, we knew it would be cold up there, but we didn't expect this:

We're already concerned to be sending him without one of us (there are chaperones traveling along), but now he's facing a grueling week of training, PLUS temperatures that might be less than fun. Of course my definition of fun and his don't always agree anyway, so he'll probably be in ice heaven.

God-speed Micah, you will need His speed to warm yourself up!