First, they laid drift foundations with ordinary Christmas bedding.

Then they sprayed over it with a white pasty texture, kinda like old ceiling texture.

They even flocked the trees. Great detail!

I thought this car in the "Bewitched" house's driveway was nicely covered too.

Me in front of the "Griswold's" ( was used in the "Vacation" movie series).

The truck responsible. Snow Business

This shot below was taken on July 23rd, on the WB main lot. Here they actually were spraying real ice on this street. It was about 100 degrees outside, so they were laying it on pretty thick. (again, forgive the phone-camera quality)

I guess that's about as close as I will be getting to a blizzard in LA anytime soon.
Hey Mark,
You came to mind this morning while I was watching the news. Don't know if you're being affected by the fires but I hope that you and your family are well and out of harm's way.
Lisa (a.k.a. turtle)
I just now saw this comment Lisa. Thanks so much.
Just look at that! Everything's fake in CA! They don't call it "silicon valley" for nuthin'!
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