Here are a few of pics from (before) the halloween party we went to Saturday. Chana was a great (and fine-lookin') Poison Ivy. I was Henchman #17. (The previous 16 have been killed, thrown in prison or placed in long-term care at Arkham Asylum. I am hoping to have an extended run without having to face the Batman or any of his friends. I know that THIS time it's different for Ivy. She really cares about me...)

Micah offered Chana his snake Levi for the night, and it rounded out the costume perfectly. Most people at the shindig were happy to hang out with a live snake; something I wouldn't have been too keen on a few months ago.

A friend of ours was there dressed as Jesus, and I guess Levi recognized him, because when "Jesus" held Levi, he just contentedly wrapped around his arm and became very calm. Just goes to show ya, that Jesus really does hold dominion over all creatures, and they are naturally drawn to Him (or even a pretty good likeness).
[Now, don't comment to show me all of the obvious theological holes in my previous paragraph. But you can comment and tell me what your costume was this year!]

I'm thinking of going as Captain Underpants!
You two ROCK.
I haven't had time for an imaginative costume this year. I might use an old trick of mine and just wrap myself in aluminum foil and go as a "leftover."
Did you go as a left-over? That's such a great idea.
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